Boy did I ever have a nice bike ride in to work.
I personally tuned, tightened, overhauled the rear hub, cleaned, lubed and repaired almost every issue I have with my bike.
Oh, and the wind was at my back the whole way.
And the evening sun, low but not yet setting, was warm and friendly; it cast a elongated but perfect shadow of a Portland bike commuter headed eight and half miles due East.
And as the speed and power started to go to my head, I stomped it and got real chills from the thrill.
I'm no fair-weather rider, but that was nice. What a beautiful day.
I always get a mental break from the worries of life, but to feel so good physically was quite a pleasing surprise. I highly recommend it.
I aspire to get cars off the roads. They are too heavy to ever be efficient for commuting or even for most errands, and some are too heavy for the roads and are costing the country millions (relative to bikes) in road upkeep and repair. (Millions that could go to my plan, literally.) Cars are so easy to operate that people get careless and get killed or kill others. Bikes are much safer thanks to the lower top speed and the fact that your senses are more useful when your actively using them. The two or three biking deaths in the area definitely made the news this year, and it can be scary, but there are so many car accident deaths that they don't even always make the news anymore.
Further, Gasoline is poisonous. Before you ever even burn it. And don't worry about hurting the oil and car companies' bottom line by going green, if they are smart the oil companies will drill for Geothermal power, and the car companies can probably make some great bikes and Ebikes! I'd love cleaner air for my bike rides. And my children. Please. Without me having to ride along the side of the road filtering it with my lungs. Today was nice, because the wind blew the exhaust of the cars away and the air smelled fresh.
Please bike around. Please enjoy my Website:
Please join my website so you can add to it, comment on stuff, invite more people, and many other benefits. Like free money for stuff (bikes and beyond) to help people unpollute their commute--once I begin achieving my highest aspirations!
Sincerely and thanks for your time,
emett stasiuk.