Monday, May 1, 2017

(Political) Climate Change

Something I've thought about for a long time regarding sustainability, green energy, finance, and politics is the idea that green energy is the future, NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE or what your political beliefs are.

We are either going to get out ahead of this climate change thing, or we are going to use all of the Earth's resources and be dragged, kicking and screaming into the future.

Oil is a finite resource, Coal is a finite resource. Trees are a finite resource. Lithium is a finite resource. The Earth is only so large and there are more and more people populating it and only so much stuff to consume.

Our only real choice is how are we to adopt a sustainable, zero or near-zero emission future. I would like to be optimistic and hope for early adoption that would prevent some kind of catastrophic die off of the human race.

A carbon tax is a GREAT way to kickstart our way into using more renewable energy. We could use the money to invest in green energy infrastructure while also stretching out the lifespan of the oil and coal we are still burning.

but even without the carbon tax I believe renewable energy systems are a great investment. Solar, Wind, and Tidal production of electricity is the gift that keeps on giving, producing energy ad infinitum. Yes there is some energy lost in transmission and you still have to produce the solar cells, so there still is a carbon footprint, but you basically have a free energy source that's going to be cheaper and better as coal and oil get more expensive.

If I had money to invest, I would be looking at giving micro-loans to install solar energy systems on houses. If you believe in that Tesla stock is probably a good buy, as they are getting ready to launch a new line of solar roof shingles coupled with battery storage systems to store the energy and make new houses (or retro-fitted old houses) self sufficient. Off-grid houses that were self-sufficient would also be able to skip the power loss associated with AC-DC conversion.

If the government ever starts requiring new homes to have solar, this industry will take off like a SpaceX rocket.

Another thing standing in the way of solar energy systems for homes is the high percentage of people that rent, requiring owners of apartments to install solar would be a great idea.

If you rent but want to invest in solar, look for something in your area like this company I found seeds for the sol
Just wanted to get some stuff out there, seems like some people are upset over the political climate as of late and I wanted to point out some things that are encouraging. If you read this far, thanks! Hope it got you motivated to go out and do something good for the environment. Like I said, the future is coming one way or another, and it's going to be green AND profitable for many.
